Download video format factory
Download video format factory

In addition to that, I can even have them on my apple devices.

download video format factory

Format Factory allows me to save my favorite movies, videos, and songs in any format. That means you can have audio, video, and images in your list, Format Factory will convert them all to their respective formats with no issues. What makes the program even more unique is the fact that it can be totally mixed up and the program will take care of the rest. Format Factory is the number one software available to quickly and easily convert multiple sources of media into a different format. Now, I can't use it at all, other than the two-versions-old edition, which has serious problems with aspect-ratio management.I don't know what these guys are thinking, or WHY the pulled a perfectly good protocol - the ONLY one usable with the Zune 30 - but, there you have it.Format Factory is an incredible conversion tool designed to make the average person's everyday media experience a little more bearable. They have NO support - NO product forum on their website, and polite email to both of the addresses they provide is immeditately and completely IGNORED.I feel like a bigger fool for having so enthusiastically recommended this program to so many people. Well, it installed to the new path - but, it went and DELETED the 1.85 path.Nice work, guys.I'm at my wits end.

download video format factory

I installed 2.0 to a new path, so that I'd still have 1.85, and thus, still be able to use my Zune 30. Dang, my post submitted while I was still typing! I can't see any way to edit or delete it, if someone can get rid of the scrap, please do, thanks!Anyway, they came out with a NEW update - version 2.0 - like a fool, I spent an hour or so downloading it and installed it and good grief, not only did they NOT restore the WMV1 encoding they REMOVED with the last update, but they ADDED a nifty misfeature - constant "COM Surrogate has stopped working" errors while running unrelated apps, copying files, etc.Yes, they BROKE my OPERATING SYSTEM!I tracked it down to a problem with the FFMpeg component included with this edition of Format Factory - and remedied it by REMOVING Format Factory.I originally TRIED to play it safe, just in case.

Download video format factory